Meets & News
2016 Swim Wellington Long Course Champs
Jan. 22 - 25, 2016
Meet Calendar
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Summer Camps 2016
Karori Pirates Swimming Club Fundraiser – raising money for our Marton and New Plymouth Swim Camps
Camps cost money and we need help to raise some funds for these great opportunities for our swimmers. If your child is not going to camp, this is a great opportunity for you to support the 60 children who are.
What you need to do
Talk to your neighbours, relatives and friends about ordering discounted wine for the summer and Christmas period. Having a case of wine in the house that you can grab a bottle to take to your Christmas get-togethers or for gifts can be handy. Many won’t need convincing and will just enjoy the drinking and will prefer to buy their wine through a fundraiser rather than the supermarket!
The process
Print out a few forms (Wine Info) (Oder form) or email them to your friends and relatives. Printed forms will be available at the pool, on top of the cages.
Everyone buying fills in an order and sends it to Louise. You can do this by posting it to her at 5 Puketiro Avenue, Northland, or fill it in scan it and email it . You can also complete the forms and put them in the Club mail box on top of the cages at the pool.
Then those buying put the $$$ into our Club fundraising account. The account number is noted in the flyer and is different from our usual main account. Alternatively you can pay by Cheque made to Sileni and post this to Louise at 5 Puketiro Avenue, Northland.
Orders close Monday 23 November, so you only have 13 days…. Thank you so much for your help in advance.
We’ve reconfirmed our booking with Marton 50m Pool and Huntley School for next summer’s junior camp.
Dates are Monday 4th January – Saturday 9th January 2016
Put the dates in you diary now if you’re in the Stingrays, Electric Eels and Seahawks. We had a lot of younger swimmers this year who thoroughly enjoyed themselves because they knew they had mates going - so get planning! It’s a lot of fun for parent helpers too - same deal applies ..
Camp boss Louise Saviker (Sam Fowler’s mum) will put out detailed information and calls for registration and help in September 2015.
For more information please click here and registration here.
Senior Seahawks who might be moving into Hammerheads through the year might want to keep across senior camp dates too - more on that soon.
John Hancock
Karori Pirates Chair
We're pleased to be able to confirm the dates and location of the Senior summer camp.
We are returning to the old stomping ground of New Plymouth, training in the beautiful outdoor pool at the Todd Energy Aquatic Centre, and staying at the Ariki Backpackers. The dates for the camp are January 9th (starting with an afternoon session) to January 16th (finishing with a morning session). This will allow a good period between the camp finishing and the Wellington LC Champs on the weekend of 23rd January. Please talk to your swimmers about attending as we're looking for a really good turn out this year, and put the dates in your calendar.
For more information please click here.
Chris Birkinshaw (Jedi's father) is organising the camp and going as the Camp Dad. He will need a Camp Mum to accompany the group as well. If you are keen, please contact Chris on
Jeremy Lang
Karori Pirates Swim Club
Coaches Corner
Heading into Summer
Hi all. It's great to see all swimmers back into their routine. Thanks to all parents for making the start to term 4 so smooth. Lots going on in the Pirate world as we head towards Summer. Cheers Steve 22 October 2015
Posted on: 25 November 2015 Read the full post
End of Term
Hi all. Well done to all our swimmers and parents at our club champs. Last day of term is Thursday September 24th (Earlybird swim meet that morning). Term 4 starts on Monday October 12th. Cheers Steve
Posted on: 12 September 2015 Read the full post