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2016 Swim Wellington Long Course Champs
Jan. 22 - 25, 2016
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2015 Karori Pirates Champs and Awards
Hi Everyone
Wow what a great night we had on Saturday it is so good seeing the club come together and supporting each other.
On behalf of the committee I would like to make a special thank you to all the people who helped make the champs a big success.
Greg and Jacqui Forsythe for again officiating at one of our club events.
Fleur and Juliet who are the silent hero's pulling things together quietly behind the scenes.
Tony our Race secretary for helping make it all happen and getting the results out so quickly.
And to all the parents and people external of the club who came and officiated, ran the BBQ or helped out at one of the many jobs needing to be done.
Last night we were lucky enough to have the very generous Support of Mike and Lisa Walshe from Khandalah New World. They kindly gave us two beautiful hampers full of goodies for our club raffles.
So next time time your in Khandallah or thinking about that next big family shop please make sure you go and show your support at Khandallah New World, generosity like this helps make events like our Club Champs possible.
Thanks also to all you parents for choosing the Karori Pirates to help unleash your child's Swimming talents.
One last thing can Aleisha Mitchell contact me as I have a trophy for you which you won last night for Tiger Shark of the Year.
Jeremy Lang
Coaches Corner
Heading into Summer
Hi all. It's great to see all swimmers back into their routine. Thanks to all parents for making the start to term 4 so smooth. Lots going on in the Pirate world as we head towards Summer. Cheers Steve 22 October 2015
Posted on: 25 November 2015 Read the full post
End of Term
Hi all. Well done to all our swimmers and parents at our club champs. Last day of term is Thursday September 24th (Earlybird swim meet that morning). Term 4 starts on Monday October 12th. Cheers Steve
Posted on: 12 September 2015 Read the full post